гр. Банско, ул. "Неофит Рилски" №7
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гр. Банско, ул. "Неофит Рилски" №7
0897 22 90 97, 0898 63 45 14
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Taverns in Bansko

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Category: Tavern

Location: The tavern is located in the old part of Bansko behind the church.

General information: Todeva Winery is one of the oldest taverns in Bansko. It is located in the old quarter of the city, next to the church. The tavern is situated in a house built in 1864 by master Nikola Todev. The aromatic atmosphere, the smell of old wood and the burning fireplace will make you forget the daily worries and problems and enjoy the delicious dishes from the Bansko and European cuisine. The tavern also offers a delicious and varied lunch menu. The hosts and staff will take care of fulfilling all your culinary wishes and an unforgettable experience that will make you come back again and again.

Seats: Up to 50

Accepts visitors: All year round.

Features: Parking, Free Wi-Fi, 30-seat hotel.


Address: 7, Neofit Rilski Str., Bansko

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For reservations: +359 897 22 90 97, +359 898 63 45 14

Web: www.complex-todeva.com/mehana



Банско - Туристически портал, Хотели в Банско, Механи в Банско