гр. Банско, ул. "Княз Борис I" №13
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гр. Банско, ул. "Княз Борис I" №13
0897 332 797
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Taverns in Bansko

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Winery "Chicho Cane" - Old Bansko cuisine

If you want to enjoy real bath traditional Bansko cuisine in an atmosphere, it is the right place Winery Uncle Cane.

Everything here is done with great taste, meals are prepared just the time and the true spirit of Bansko is everywhere. With the bathing authentic dishes, wine and hospitality of the hosts will feel very special, and time would stop in a long moment of delight. The rich menu of prepared dishes just now, wine connoisseurs and neveroyatnatata atmosphere will make you come back again and again, each time with new friends.


Address: Bansko, 1 Sinchets Str.

Tel: +359 897 332 797

Банско - Туристически портал, Хотели в Банско, Механи в Банско