гр. Банско, ул. "Христо Ботев" №1
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гр. Банско, ул. "Христо Ботев" №1
0888 55 11 10
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Taverns in Bansko

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Category: Mehana

Location: In the heart of the town

Working time: Seven days a week

About the Mehana: Mehana :"Vodenitsata" is situating in the center of Bansko town. Here you can spend a lot of exciting night in the traditional for the region atmosphere. Beautiful exotic garden, national bulgarian cuisine and the authentic Bulgarian music will contribute for your satisfaction. Here you can taste the traditional bansko cuisine - Kapama, Chomlek, Banski starets ..etc. Friendly and professional service, well selected wine list, more than 50 kinds of dishes from the traditional cuisine, specialties, desserts. Vodenicata features also summer garden with barbeque area, Live Music (the worldwide famous band 'Banski Starcheta")
The restaurant is the winner of the 'Restaurant of the year' award, a further proof of the high quality, hospitability and professional service provided

Number of setas: 100

Music: LIVE MUSIC (the worldwide famous band 'Banski Starcheta" - authentic Bulgarian folklore

Cuisine: Specialties from Bansko, barbeque, well selected wine list

The Mehana is open throughout the whole year

Facilities: Private parking, summer garden

Location: In the very center of the town.

Address: 2770 Bansko 1 Hristo botev Str.

Telephone: +359 888 55 11 10

Банско - Туристически портал, Хотели в Банско, Механи в Банско