гр. Банско, ул. „Цар Симеон” №81
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гр. Банско, ул. „Цар Симеон” №81
+359 878 316 416
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Pubs and bars in Bansko

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Base Camp is not a typical night place, rather an unique,cool, cozy  bar that never disappoints.

Chill here on weekdays or enjoy the livelier crowd on the weekends with  best cocktails, shots and incredibly good happy hours.  Hosting a range of live bands and DJ's throughout the week and covering different musical tastes.

It could be your slice of Bansko  that you have been missing.

Open : Monday- Sunday (6 pm-4 am)

Address: 81 Tzar Simeon Str., Bansko

Phone: +359 878 316 416

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Web: www.basecamp-bansko.business.site

Банско - Туристически портал, Хотели в Банско, Механи в Банско